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Clinical nutrition

Nutritional medical therapy

The patient's clinical chart

The chart is given after a few days, thus allowing due care and attention.
The report consists of a simple and clear nutritional profile, aimed at resolving or improving the specific symptoms.

The chart explains how to eat what we like, and eat well day after day, on every nutritional occasion: unch at home, dinners with friends or at a restaurant, pizzas, holidays, aperitifs, canteen, bar, etc.

The nutrition chart does not change (unless the clinical state of the patient changes), it is personal, precise and accurate.
It is like the seven musical notes, invented a thousand years ago. One cannot lose weight (or lower blood sugar etc.) by using new kinds of food, but by using differently those existing for millennia.

We all know the seven notes, but this means nothing…

During the consultations, the patient clearly learns many things that they don't know, or don't know how to use, or don't know at all. These are the cognitive keys.

The nutritional chart does not include food supplements, meal substitutes and so on. These are hasty and expensive solutions, useless fixed or daily diets: the food is colourful, I eat what I like.

The initial phase and the maintenance phase

The nutritional profile consists of two phases.
The initial phase explains how to use food to lose weight, reduce cholesterol etc.

This is backed up with a maintenance phase:
it is essential to plan for maintenance from the outset. Maintaining the results achieved is the hardest part.

All kinds of foods are included

It is clear that social hedonism is not a transgression (a horrible word), but a playful lack of restraint which plays a part in the conviviality of life.

All kinds of food are included: nutritional medicine is not just a diet. A diet can be cut out from any magazine, downloaded free from the internet, or heard about in the park.

illustration of a brain by gregg dunn Image courtesy of © Greg Dunn

Cognitive keys
Re-synchronizing the synaptic self

Knowledge teaches us how to use our brain.

Cognitive keys are the mind's itinerary in knowledge, they allow us to reach our goals and maintain them naturally.

The cognitive keys provide the therapeutic alliance of doctor and patient. The chart contains the notes,the doctor/patient alliance teaches how to create the individual harmony.

A person who changes their body, evolves from being what they eat to eating what they are. This means losing weight.

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